Online Remote Learning
(1 day)
Online Remote Learning
(1 day)
23 Sept 2021
£90.00 + VAT
Remote Learning (Live Virtual Classroom)
Only £90 per person. Reduce costs and get your team learning together with our discounted group package for more than 10 candidates. The cost to deliver an ‘in-house’ course in a ‘live virtual classroom’ is £375, plus £47.50 per person for certification.
On-site Learning
The cost to deliver an on-site course at your premises or chosen venue for up to 15 candidates is £475, plus £20 per person for certification.
Prices do not Include VAT.
This accredited 1 day training course has been developed by subject matter experts for anyone who requires a basic understanding of nutrition and different nutritional requirements for special diets. Candidates will gain essential knowledge in how to plan and provide well-balanced meals that can provide a positive impact on physical health and wellbeing. Course content also provides essential knowledge about energy balance, hydration, important nutrients and how dietary choices affect health.
The candidate must complete a 30-minute examination consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions. Successful candidates must achieve a minimum pass mark of 14 correctly answered questions.
The level 2 award in healthy food and diets can be delivered across the UK, including: London (Park Royal and Central London),Buckinghamshire (Milton Keynes), Bedfordshire (Leighton Buzzard, Luton), Middlesex (Slough), Northamptonshire (Corby), Rutland, Derbyshire, Warwickshire (Banbury), Birmingham, Berkshire (Reading), Essex (Basildon), Surrey (Farnham), Lincolnshire (Spalding), Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Oxfordshire and Kent.